Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Before Sunrise

A young American man Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and a young French woman Celine (Julie Deply) meet on a train in Europe and end up spending a day in Vienna together. The movie is a dream come true romantic story for most people "You meet your soul mate and you get to spend time with them and fall in love"

Jesse is just out of a long distance relationship and he has recently split up with his girlfriend in Barcelona whom he came to meet, he thinks of spending the rest of his holidays across Europe and meets Celine on the train. Feeling to the connection between they decide to spend a day in Vienna and as time passes by they become intimately connected and as our viewers expect more to come out of the movie the movie ends with them just promising to meet on the station in 6 months time and going their separate ways.

Throughout the movie the thought of Jesse's flight bothers you. The movie is very beautifully made with 90% of the movie just as a conversation of 2 people and after the movie if you try to remember we just can remember clearly what were they talking about. There is an intelligent flirting between the two. The passion is so well built you seem to be drawn into the movie just by the acting. You keep guessing that what is the special thing that bonds these two souls remarkably well but u can not pin it down to any reason known to logic or sense.

Also, Julie being a French actress has this heavy French accent which is funny and seductive at times and if not anything else it just captures your attention.
The actors' experiences speak loud and clear, the chemistry is just love able. Julie looks very pretty, no wonder she was named the among the "25 most beautiful" the same year as the release of this movie. The screenplay is very well written, the viewers wont notice as the background of the activity keeps changing and none of the major landmarks in Vienna are shown. The magic created by the non-fancy simple dialogs is of a different kind. The characters are developed as the story proceeds with references from childhood and past experiences. In totality a very good romantic movie to see on your first date or if you are just entering into a relationship.

Though this movie does not have many breath-taking SCENES, there are a few which are worth mentioning.
  • The one where he childishly ask her to accompany him on his last night in Europe.
  • The one with their first kiss
  • The one in cathedral when he tells her about the Quaker wedding
  • The one besides the Danube river and the poet guy
  • The one in the restaurant where the make imaginary calls to their friends
  • The one where Jesse borrows a bottle of red wine
  • The one in the Garden
  • The one the following morning where the dance and take mental pictures of each other
  • The one at the station when they part

QUOTES: The movie has some very romantic dialogs all of which appear the best for the moment but none of them is fancy enough to arouse interest of remembrance. I had to use .srt file for this stuff

C: Have you ever heard that as couples get older, they lose their ability to hear each other?
J: No
C: Well, supposedly, men lose the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds and women eventually lose hearing in the low end. I guess they sort of nullify each other, or something.
J: I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together without killing each other.

J:Okay. Well, this is my thought. 50,000 years ago, there are not even a million people on the planet 10,000 years ago, there's like 2,000,000 people on the planet. Now, there's between 5 and 6 billion people on the planet, right? Now, if we all have our own, like, individual, unique soul, right, where do they all come from? Are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls? Because if they are, that represents a 5,000-to-1 split of each soul in just the last 50,000 years which is like a blip in the earth's time. You know, so, at best, we're like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking.. I mean, is that why we're all so scattered? Y'know, Is that why we're all so specialized?

J:This is gorgeous
C:Yeah, its very beautiful.
J:We got, uh, we got a sunset here.
J:We got the Ferris wheel. It seems like, um, this would be a...
J:Uh, you know, uh.
C:Are you trying to say you want to kiss me?
J:(Shakes his head with eyes closed mouthing the word 'yes')

J:You know, I mean, everybody's parents fuck them up. You know, rich kids' parents gave them too much, poor kids' not enough. Too much attention, not enough attention. They either left them, or y'know, they stuck around and taught 'em the wrong things. Y'know. I mean, my parents are just these two people who didn't like each other very much who, uh, decided to get married and have a kid, and they try their best to be nice to me.

Street Poet: Daydream delusion, limousine eyelash / Oh baby with your pretty face / Drop a tear in my wineglass / Look at those big eyes / See what you mean to me / Sweet-cakes and milkshakes / I'm a delusion angel / I'm a fantasy parade / I want you to know what I think / Don't want you to guess anymore / You have no idea where I came from / We have no idea where we're going / Lodged in life / Like branches in a river/ Flowing downstream / Caught in the current / I carry you / You'll carry me / That's how it could be / Don't you know me? / Don't you know me by now?

J:There's these breeds of monkeys, right, and all they do is have sex, all the time, you know? And they turn out to be the least violent, the most peaceful, the most happy, you know? So maybe fooling around isn't so bad.

J:I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something, that I had excelled in some way, y'know, then that I had just been in a nice, caring relationship.

C: No, then it sounds like a male fantasy. Meet a French girl on the train, fuck her, and never see her again.

J:All the clocks in the city/ Began to whir, and chime/ Oh, let not time deceive you/ You can not conquer time/ In headaches and in worry/ Vaguely life leaks away/ And time will have its fancy/ Tomorrow, or today.

J:Listen. Listen. You know all this bullshit we're talking about, about not seeing each other again? I don't want to do that.
C:I don't want to do that either.
J:You don't either?
C:I was waiting for you to say something.
J:Well, why didn't you say something?
C:I was afraid maybe you didn't want to see me.
J:Alright, alright, well look. Listen, listen. What-d... what-d... What do you want to do?
C:Maybe... maybe we should meet here, in five years or something.
J:Alright, alright. Five years. Five years? That's a long time.
C:Yes. Its awful. Its like a sociological experiment. How about one year?
J:One year. Alright, alright.
C:One year.
J:How about six months?

TRIVIA (Picked from the net): The idea for the movie came from a night Richard Linklater spent walking around Philadelphia with Amy, a woman he met.

P.S. - I saw this movie late very late in the night and completed it in wee hours of the morning, just before the sunrise.

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